+ 43 (0)3453 2584


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Our Restaurant

The Place for Connoisseurs
Unser Restaurant im Hotel Weinlandhof Gamlitz
Unser Restaurant im Hotel Weinlandhof Gamlitz
Frühlingshafte Kräutersuppe im Hotel Restaurant Weinlandhof Gamlitz in der Südsteiermark

We Love & Enjoy
Good Food

Get to know our regional & seasonal cuisine

For decades, the Weinlandhof has been known for its excellent cuisine.
In our kitchen, we almost exclusively use local products: eggs and pumpkin seed oil from nearby farmers, and meat from the local butcher. We also source our vegetables and fruits – depending on the season – almost exclusively from local farmers.
Our passion for food does not only show in the selection of ingredients but also in how we prepare and serve our food: with typical Styrian friendliness - nourishing both, body and soul.


Whether it is breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack in between: we use local and seasonal ingredients for all our dishes - served fresh at your table.

Rosemarie Pichler

From Generation
To Generation

Our preference for local products is truly not a new concept, but a cherished tradition that has been upheld for years. It all began with Rosa Wratschko: she delighted guests from near and far with seasonal vegetables and herbs from her own garden, as well as other regional products. This passion for a natural, seasonal and regional cuisine was passed on to her daughter Rosemarie, who follows her mother's footsteps and today, with the same passion and creativity, shapes the cuisine of the Weinlandhof.


The dedication and joy that we cook with at Weinlandhof can be tasted with every bite.

Chefin Rosi kocht im Hotel Restaurant Weinlandhof Gamlitz in der Südsteiermark

Frühlingshafte Kräutersuppe im Hotel Restaurant Weinlandhof Gamlitz in der Südsteiermark

Speisen und Restaurant im Hotel Weinlandhof in Gamlitz

Unser Restaurant im Hotel Weinlandhof Gamlitz

Restaurant Hotel Weinlandhof Gamlitz, Südsteiermark

Restaurant Hotel Weinlandhof Gamlitz, Südsteiermark

Regional Ingredients

The preference for regional products at Weinlandhof is not new; it has always been a cherished and beloved tradition. For us, this means: shopping as close as possible! The majority of our food comes from less than 50 kilometers away. Eggs from the local supplier, pumpkin seed oil from the nearby farmer, meat from the local butcher or farmers in the South Styrian region. Even vegetables and fruits are sourced – depending on the season – almost exclusively from local farmers. And some things – herbs or vegetables – even come from our own garden!

Chefin Rosi und Rosa im hauseigenen Kräutergarten im Hotel Restaurant Weinlandhof Gamlitz in der Südsteiermark

Our Breakfast

Start your day with our rich breakfast buffet! Our breakfast pavilion offers splendid views of the countryside. And for those who don't want to miss out on the daily news in the early morning, we provide you with an assorted selection of newspapers on a daily basis.

Frühstücken im Hotel Restaurant Weinlandhof Gamlitz, Südsteiermark
Button: Einfach köstlich

Unique Diversity
Of Local Wines

The name says it all. If you're called Weinlandhof, you must also have wine on offer. At our restaurant, you'll find an abundance of fine wines, unlike any other hotel in the region. We have over 150 different wines, mainly from the South Styrian wine region. Among them, you'll find all the important wines from the leading wineries of the region. These wines not only pair excellently with meals but also promise a perfect and tasty evening in our wine bar. Cheers!


The certified sommeliers Rosemarie and Thomas Pichler have plenty of advice on the best wines from our region for you.

Hotel Restaurant Weinlandhof Gamlitz in der Südsteiermark

Kitchen Stories

For the finishing touch on our dishes, we rely on unique recipes that have been passed down and refined in our house for generations. The most important thing: our food has to taste delicious! Don't worry: Our chef Rosemarie Pichler takes care of that. Her passion for exquisite cuisine is in her genes: Already as a young girl, Rosemarie used to assist her mother in the hotel's kitchen.


Book now

We kindly ask you to email us your table reservation at least 24 hours before your desired date to office@weinlandhof.at If you plan to visit our restaurant in less than 24 hours, please make a reservation by calling us at +43 3453 2584.

The opening hours at our restaurant are:
Monday to Saturday:
12:00 pm - 02:00 pm, 06:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Sunday: 06:00 pm - 09:00 pm

Our current menu

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Our Autumn

Carpaccio vom „Styria Beef“ mit Eierschwammerltatare
(GHO) A la carte € 14,90
Kürbis-Ingwer-Cappuccino mit überbackener Jakobsmuschel
(AFGR) A la carte € 8,90
„Weizer Lamm“ mit Rosmarinsaft`l
und überbackenen Eierschwammerlpalatschinken
(ACFG) A la carte € 29,90
Knusprig gebratenes „Ausseer Saiblingsfilet“ auf Selleriepüree
mit jungem Blattspinat und karamellisierten Walnüssen
(ADFGHLO) A la carte € 26,90
Panna Cotta mit flambierten Pfirsichen,
Himbeeren und Himbeersorbet
(GH) A la carte € 10,90
Menüpreis pro Person mit “Weizer Lamm”: € 87,00
Menüpreis pro Person mit “Ausseer Saiblingsfilet”: € 84,00
inkl. Gedeck, Aufstrich und Gebäck vorweg,
Aperitif, Weinbegleitung, Digestif und „Illy“-Espresso

For an aperitif,
we recommend:

PetNat – Pétillant Naturel Frisch, fruchtig, lebendig!

vom Weingut NeueHeimat – Sernauberg
1 Glas € 5,90

Restaurant Hotel Weinlandhof Gamlitz, Südsteiermark
Unsere Naturküche im Sommer

Classics and South Styrian Delicacies

Appetizers and salads

 Tafelspitzsulz vom „Styria Beef“ mit Kartoffeln, Käferbohnen,
Salatbukett und Kernölmarinade (LO) € 14,90
„Sernauer Frischkäse“ auf lauwarmen Kirschtomaten
mit Rucola und Pinienkernen (AFGH) € 14,90
Gemischter Salat oder Blattsalat (FGO) € 6,90 Rucolasalat mit Rispentomaten und Parmesan (FGO) € 7,90


Klare Wurzelgemüsesuppe mit Frittaten oder Fleischstrudel (ACGFL) € 5,50
Rieslingschaumsuppe mit Sesambrotwürferln (ACGFON) € 5,50
Steirische Kartoffel-Rahmsuppe mit Steinpilzen und Trüffelöl (AGF) € 7,90

Main Dishes

 Klachelsuppe im Suppentopf mit Wurzelgemüse und Heidensterz (AL) € 12,90
Steirischer Backhendlsalat (ACGO) € 15,90
Geröstete Schweinsleber mit Majoransaft`l und Bratkartoffeln (AF) € 15,90
Zwiebelrostbraten mit Petersilienkartoffeln
(gedünstet, so wie wir es in der Südsteiermark lieben….) (AF) € 24,90
Wienerschnitzel vom Schwein mit Erbsenreis und Preiselbeeren (ACGF) € 17,90
Gefülltes Kalbschnitzel im Rohschinkenmantel
dazu Kartoffelpüree und Brokkoli mit Bröselbutter (AFG) € 24,90
Muskatkürbisrisotto mit gebratenen Garnelen und Rucola (FGOB) € 23,90
oder vegetarisch mit Eierschwammerl und Rucola (FGO) € 19,90
Hausgemachte Ravioli von Dinkel und Traubenkernmehl mit Spinat-Frischkäsefüllung, steirischem Bergkäse und jungem Blattspinatsalat (ACGF) € 18,90


 Flambierte Quittenpalatschinken mit Walnusseis (ACGFH) € 10,90
Sauerrahmschmarren mit Zartbitterschokolade, Zwetschkenröster
und Sauerrahmeis (ACGFH) € 12,90
„Affogato“ – Illy Espresso mit Vanilleeis, Schlagobershaube
und Cantuccini (ACGH) € 7,90

Cover charge including spreads and bread (ACGDFN) €3.50



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